Sunday, July 17, 2005


The Q2 Access Control System has been listed at Second in addition to several geek t-shirts at 10L$ each. Listing to SecondServer is similar to listing at SLExchange with the additional ability to distribute the products to in game vendors. If SecondServer is as reliable and see as much traffic as SLE it is probably a better choice for distributing SL products. Only SLExchange takes PayPal (RL$) to purchase SL items but I don't see that as a big driver.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Q2 Access Control System

I've just released version 1.0 of what I'm calling Q2 (short for Qubius Quinn) Access Control System (ACS). The Q2 ACS is a robust script designed primarily for controlled access doors but capable of handling other systems where restricted access is required. It maintains an access list of users that can lock and unlock the object. All the configuration details are controlled by an included config note card modifiable by the owner. In addition all configuration details can be modified by users on the permissions list using the command channel.

This object can be either locked or unlocked. In locked mode only users on the access list can unlock the system via a command channel. When unlocked anyone can access the system (for example open/close the door). The object/door can be opened and closed (when unlocked) by touching it or via a sensor (if enabled). As a door the system can be configured to auto close after a time period set by the users. The reaction to opening and closing the door can be configured via scripting (examples for hinged, sliding, and iris type doors included).

Q2 ACS can be purchased through SLExchange or at K&S Creations.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Qubius Quinn

Hello, my name is Qubius Quinn. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am a resident of second life currently living at a friends establishment in Lebeau. My birthdays was June 5, 2005 although I didn't become a second life permanent citizen until June 13. I am extremely gratefully to Kento Dion and sunceray Jacques of K&S creations for there hospitality, companionship, and teaching me many things about second life. In my short time as a second life citizen I have spent most of it learning Linden script. I'm really enjoying the power it gives me to manipulate my environment. I hope that by developing in SL I can provide something useful to the second life world. Be sure to return to this blog for updates on my development as an expert Linden scripter or stop by K&S creations to see what is going on or just to say hi.